A big thank you to all who joined us for our Weather Board Webinar! We look forward to seeing and hearing all about the weather learning fun you will be having with your little treeschoolers!! Be sure to post pictures and share your stories!
Explore ... MORE!
It is no secret that I love a good quote. One of my all time favorites is the TS Eliot quote listed on today's graphic. So much can be learned by prioritizing play and exploration with your little one. Today at our Destination Maternity class we had a wonderful time exploring our discovery bins full of found treasures and signs we have been working on over the past few weeks.
Discovery bins are a wonderful way to empower your child to initiate learning while challenging them to build questioning skills and communication development. A big thanks to all who joined us. I hope you enjoy using your discovery bins @ home! Here are a few tips to help keep the fun rolling:
- Explore through your five senses: It's not just a flower. It's pink and yellow. It's Fuzzy and soft. It tickles when gently brush the flower on your cheek. (Notice that reminder sign "gentle" from a few weeks ago?)
- Ask questions: ... "What did you find? How does it feel? What colors do you see?"
- Play along: Take a turn, have fun and be super communicative (see #4).
- Use your Words & Signs: For example, let's say you pull out the ball. Be excited. Share what you see. "I found a red ball. It is smooth and shiny. Can you catch it? (then roll the ball to baby)
- Add your own items: Beloved toys and stuffed animals are great options. When your little discovers even an old well worn toy in her discovery bin she will in many ways see it anew and it can open up communication.
The most important thing you are discovering is each other!
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." -Plato
I just had to fit one more quote in! Remember, this above all else should always be a together activity. Don't leave your discovery bin accessible when you aren't able to be present and play with your baby. This is of coarse for safety reasons and supervision; but also, it is important to make this time special signing play and practice time. Signs and sounds are just the beginning. Who knows what amazing things your baby will discover about you and you him during discovery bin play time!
For Added Fun...
Consider themes for your discovery bin. Maybe fill your bin with all items that begin with a letter or sound blend, fill your bin with all items that are found outside, or are a specific color. Have fun with it! You will be amazed at how this simple resources and about 10 minutes of active floor time will open up you and your little ones communication and signing!
Once more for emphasis...
Be sure to NEVER leave your child alone with their discovery bin and/or any discovery items you elect to place in the discovery bin. This is and should always be an activity you explore together. In addition, be cautious about the items you choose to place in the bin. Make sure these items are baby friendly, containing no small parts, choking hazards, sharp edges, ect. As always, you play at your own risk so be sure to provide the best safest items and environment for your little one.
Happy 4th of July!
We had so much fun kicking off our 4th of July holiday with some of our sprout friends @ Destination Maternity. A BIG thank you to all who shared part of their celebrations with us!! This holiday provides great opportunity to practice those red, white and blue color signs!! Also, Don't forget our new signs from today. Flag, Celebrate, and America!
As an added bonus we have included our Fourth of July print pack to enjoy with your sprout at home!! Be sure to join us at Destination Maternity for fun Sensory Play and More Signing FUN!! See your there! Next week's class will close to new RSVPs on Tuesday of next week due. Be sure to reserve your spot today!
For some more holiday fun check out our friend from Signing Time, Leah, signing our national anthem!! Have a terrific and safe holiday!
Library Re-Stocking Fundraiser!
One of our most important goals is to help keep signing accessible to everyone through our story times and donations of products. Currently, we are fundraising with Leslie Burton and Thirty-One to be able to provide new Signing Time Board Books to our Library! Here is how you can help:
2 - Join and Share Our Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/213573315461331/
3 - Enter our give away .... a Rafflecopter giveaway
It's Potty Time!
We had so much fun at our Potty Time Workshop with our friends @ PVM! Here is a digital copy of our hand out. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon for Baby Signing Time! Click here to Shop Potty Time!
Don't forget to go check out the trainers @ www.firstcoastfluff.com
Helping Hands Activity Pack
Shining Stars
I had the distinct pleasure of spending this morning with some wonderful little stars. One of the songs we practiced was twinkle, twinkle little star. This video is with out a doubt my favorite song from the Potty Time Series and makes me smile when I think about all the amazing lil' and shining stars with whom I have the privilege of sharing sign and play time!
Let's start from the very beginning ...
There is no doubt that starting at the beginning can be challenging! For most of us we set our minds to do something and we want to hit the ground running. It's awesome when that happens, but it is so important that when it doesn't we choose to be gentle and patient with ourselves while still striving for improvement. This is one of the most important goals I set for myself as a life long learner and it's critical to practice in the learning environments we create for our sprouts.
I love multi-age learning environments! I think they are great for learning, stress reduction, and socialization. However, it can be hard for moms of the youngest little to not feel a bit intimidated by the amazing flying fingers, giggles and coos of the 12 month plus sprouts. This is why it is so important to pre-register and to level set your goals and initiatives for class time with me. Each child and mommy is unique. I personal create and use a goal sheet for each of my pre-enrolled students unique to their needs. Be sure to reach out to me if you would like to review that planning information one on one.
On your mark, Get Set, WAIT!!
Two weeks ago this was one of our Monday night class vocabulary words. Waiting is a very important skill not just for your little one but also for you! The more time I spend teaching sign language to young children the more aware I am of the importance of waiting for a response. The reality is our schedules and plugged into technology lifestyles have left us very accustomed to a point, click and respond universe. But to really engage while teaching your little one signs you need to adjust to thier clock.
Every child is unique. We have all heard it and probably said it. But it always catches me off gaurd just how accurate that statement is! In class, you show your child the sign, make eye contact, smile, & WAIT. But how long? The answer is ... you guessed it ... unique to every child. The truth is for most of us, at least when we begin, it feels a bit like an uncomfortably long pregnant pause, & we don't wait long enough. We don't look long enough. We don't unplug from the environment and plug into our little long enough. The window of opportunity lives somewhere in between barely taking a breath before showing the sign again and waiting so long your child disengages. Having the courage to simply sit still smiling at your child seems easy and it is.
Finding Your Waiting Window
When I am trying determine a student's waiting window I turn on a little metronome in my head. Then I ask a question that I know they respond to frequently. With the very young I often use a beloved toy or blanket. I turn on the metronome in my head (Beat, Beat, Beat, Beat). Next, I ask the question. Where is your blanket? or The ultimate go to question ... Where is mommy? I count the beats between the time I finish asking the question and the moment I see a response from the child. That response could be a facial expression, a vocalization, hand or body movement. I have exprienced it taking as few as 4 beats and as many as 29. I recalibrate often. With most student's I do this weekly when I greet them at the door. ;)
When you sign with your child the goal is not just looking for them to understand you, but to look within yourself to make sure you are waiting, watching, and listening. For those of you in class a good test is to ask yourself if by the end of class you have spent atleast 60% of your time looking at your children's gorgeous little faces? I mean directly into thier faces. If the answer is yes, then I say ... way to SHINE!
Why Wait??
Let's be really honest for most of us learning patience and how to wait is a life long journey. So why not start practicing this skill with your little ones now! Here are some tips for ways you can help your child start to understand waiting and patience:
- When you are at the park place your child on the swing, sign wait, then wait a minute before the big first push. Be sure to clap, say and sign great waiting!!
At Meal Time
- Prepare you child's plate, hold it in front thier place, sign wait, wait a moment and the set the plate down. Be sure to provide thunderous applause for such great waiting!
At Bath Time
- Have your child stand outside of the bath tub for a moment before diving in for a splashing good time. Sign wait, wait a moment and then proceed with bathtime. Be sure to acknowledge that awesome waiting!!
On the Road
- Next time you are all in the car buckled and ready to go. Say we are waiting. Use the sign for wait. Then start the count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... Great WAITING!!
Happy Signing & Shining!!
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